Thursday, September 8, 2011

On to South Australia

Lower Glenelg (in Victoria near border)

Although a fairly quite road between Portland and Nelson, it has huge areas of pine plantations and quite a number of log trucks as a consequence. The pines have replaced the native bush, which is sad to see, and some have escaped into the national parks.
The walk along the cliff top of the Glenelg River was pleasant with several sections of large cliff. I was sure the walk started off in an easterly direction, so that is the way we went. There were good cliffs and views, but after a while we couldn’t match the scene to the book and on reaching a 4wd track realised that we went the wrong way. We walked back along the 4wd to the start and then commenced in the correct direction for the walk to the Glenelg River Gorge. We decided that the scenery was just as good the original way, so we had a better walk by seeing the two sections of river.
Lower Glenelg


Cananda and Little Dip

From Nelson it was not that far to drive to reach Mount Gambier in South Australia, where we were surprised by the size of Blue Lake. It is quite a sizeable old crater, certainly a lot bigger that the ones we visited in Victoria. It was a windy day and there always seemed to be rain up ahead, but fortunately it kept moving ahead faster than us. A walk around Cape Buffon was quite interesting with the distorted weather worn coastal rock stacks and undercut cliffs. Next up came Little Dip and a circuit walk of Freshwater Lake. It seems that the Parks Service and the Friends of Little Dip lost enthusiasm for the track as it was very overgrown. The night was spent in Robe, which has quite a few heritage buildings, but it started to rain heavily and we had to be content with viewing them from the car.
Canunda Little Dip

North of Robe is the Coorong and here we visited some lakes and after that drove on to Victor Harbour for the night; an obviously popular seaside holiday and retirement town.

Deep Creek
In very nice weather we spent a few hours in a walk in Deep Creek. The flora was quite spectacular along the track to Deep Creek Cove.
Deep Creek

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